Where to Find Lots of Great Ideas for Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube Posts Ideas at No Charge

by | Jul 16, 2024 | Business tips, Social Media | 0 comments


Would you like some great topics to post on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, or your blog?

If you’re like most agents, you probably haven’t cleaned out the Sent Box of your email for quite some time. Well, that’s great news and here’s why. One of the best sources for posts are the questions that you normally answer for your clients in an email.

Each time a client asks you a question, make a point of emailing the answer to the client and then posting the written information on your blog, your Facebook business page, and/or Instagram.

Next, use that information to make a video you can post on YouTube as well as Facebook, Instagram Reels, or any other social media or video sites you use.

Now go back to your sent box. If you have ever answered questions for your clients via email, you already have a treasure trove of blog posts already written that are just waiting to be posted online or turned into a video. Just cut and paste and you’re ready to go!


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