Two Tried and True Fundamentals for Real Estate Success

by | Jan 20, 2025 | Business tips | 0 comments


As Donald Trump is inaugurated today, our country will be headed in an entirely different direction from the last four years. Today’s CoachingClues provides insights about what is ahead for the real estate industry. Regardless of what is happening politically, the core fundamentals in real estate remain constant.

Here are two tried and true fundamentals to anchor you back to the basics of real estate success.  

1. You’re not selling real estate — you’re selling the dream of homeownership
When you work with first-time buyers, they are seeking to fulfill their version of the American dream. As you work with them, use the word dream often. Help them create their vision of a bright future. Also use the word dream in your marketing wherever possible.

2. Fix-it is your friend
When something goes wrong in a transaction and you’re facing an angry client, defuse the situation by saying, “It was never my intention to make you angry — what can I do to fix it?” Notice that there is no apology, only an attempt to address the issue and move on.


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