Are you constantly feeling worn down by the stress of today’s market or other issues? Do you constantly consume caffeine or sugar to crank up your energy?
A simple way to improve both these issues is to take more breaks. A break consists of brief activity that differs from the main activity you are doing. In fact, taking ten-minute breaks every 60-90 minutes allows you to maintain peak attention and performance.
The challenge is that many people confuse diversions with true breaks. For example, playing computer games is a diversion since it doesn’t take you away from your computer. Neither is talking on the phone since your phone is so closely tied to your work.
A better choice would be to take a quick walk outside, have a snack, or do something that takes you away from your computer or mobile device. The key in taking a break is engage in an activity that puts you in a different place doing a different activity.
Ten minutes is all it takes, but you’ll be more alert and accomplish more when you return. Try it for a week and see how it works for you!