Want to Attract More Income and Higher Quality Clients?
Take This Inventory to Discover What May Be Stopping You
There are five key areas that influence how “attractive” you are to others. These five areas affect both your business and personal life. The inventory below is designed to assess where you stand in each area. The scoring section outlines each of the five areas. If you are seriously interested in raising the quality of the people you attract in both your business and personal life, we provide both group teleclasses and individual coaching in all five areas.
Answer “Yes” or “No” to each of the following
Section I
_____ 1. Is your workspace crowded with unfinished business or files?
_____ 2. Do you have lots of memorabilia on you desk (i.e. pictures, souvenirs, etc)?
_____ 3. Do you keep planning to organize your workspace so everything is neatly organized, but never seem to find the time?
_____ 4. When you leave at the end of the day, is your desk cleaned of today’s tasks?
_____ 5. Are your cabinets and closets clean and neatly organized?
Section II
_____ 6. Do you take time at the end of the day to plan for tomorrow’s activities?
_____ 7. Do you often feel rushed because your day is so filled with activities?
_____ 8. Do you find yourself becoming impatient when are caught in traffic or have to wait in line?
_____ 9. Do you spend enough time with your loved ones?
_____10. Do you touch virtually all of your paperwork only once?
Section III
_____11. Do you have a place where you regularly unwind by taking time for yourself?
_____12. In the last two days, have you done at least three things that you would categorize as “being very good to yourself”?
_____13. Are you aware of physical peaks and lows each day and do you schedule your activities to match these cycles?
_____14. Do you take “quiet time” daily to think, pray, or meditate?
_____15. Do you have at two or more people in your life who routinely drain your energy when you speak or spend time with them?
Section IV
_____16. In the last three days, have you acknowledged or thanked at least ten people who did something for you whether it was packing your groceries, serving your food, etc.?
_____17. Have you sent at least one handwritten thank you note in the last week?
_____18. Do you take time each day to be grateful for the positive things in your life?
_____19. Do you find yourself often longing for what you don’t have?
_____20. Do you feel like you’re on the “outside looking in” because you don’t have some of the things other people have?
Section V
_____21. Do you find yourself constantly struggling to make the various parts of your life work?
_____22. Do you find yourself resenting others who seem to achieve their goals easily while you have to work so hard to achieve yours?
_____23. When something isn’t working for you, do you persist at working at it even when it is clear it’s time to give up?
_____24. Do you normally find yourself reacting to events in your life rather than proactively creating them?
_____25. When you lose a client or something else important to you, do you view the loss as an opportunity for something better to come into your life?
Section 1—Clean Space: Items 1-5, Give yourself 1 point for each item you marked “Yes”. If you marked three or more items “Yes”, you need to work on “cleaning your space”. Have you ever noticed that when you plan a vacation your business immediately picks up? For several years I have been giving business people the assignment of “cleaning their closets or desks” as a way of attracting more business. Guess what, it almost always works. Why? Because “nature abhors a vacuum.” Thus, “cleaning your space” allows new opportunities to come into your life. When your life is cluttered with too many activities, a messy desk, too many responsibilities—when you essentially have “no space”, there is no room for anything else in your life. Try “cleaning your space” and see what shows up—you may be pleasantly surprised.
Section 2—Reserves: Items 6-10, Give yourself 1 point on items 7 & 8 for each item you marked “Yes”. On items 6, 9, and 10, give yourself 1 point for each item you marked “No.” If your score is 3 points or higher on this section, inadequate reserves are hampering your success and well-being. One suggestion is to schedule at least 10 minutes more than you need for everything you do over the course of the day. This allows extra time for emergencies and will prevent you from feeling rushed. How do you create the extra time? One way is to practice a variation of the 80-20 rule. Since 80% of the benefits come from the top 20% of your activities, you can assume that the lowest 20% of your activities are producing virtually no benefit. Prioritize your activities and eliminate the bottom 20% for one week. You’ll have more time and experience less stress.
Section 3—Extreme Self Care: On items 11-14, give yourself one point for each item you marked “No”. Give yourself an additional point if you marked number 15 “Yes”. If your score on this section is three or higher, you will be more attractive to clients (as well as feeling much better) if you carve out time everyday for quiet time and to do something special for yourself. A good way to do this is to make a list of 10 things you really enjoy doing. It can be as simple as having a quiet cup of tea, taking a walk, listening to music, etc. Each day, no matter how busy you are, you must schedule those two activities into your day. Being frazzled is not attractive—being relaxed and calm is.
Section 4—The Attitude is Gratitude: On items 19 & 20, give yourself one point for each item you marked “Yes”. On items 16-18, give yourself 1 point for each item you marked “No”. If your score is three or higher, your focus on “what’s missing” may block you from creating reserves and abundance. The notion of “what we resist” persists is true. When you focus on what you do not have, you only continue to create more lack. If you want to “have more”, be thankful for what you already have (even if it’s an abundance of unpaid bills—lots of people had an abundance of trust that you would pay them).
Section 5—Moving from Struggle to Flow: On items 21-24, give yourself one point for each item you marked “Yes”. On item 25, give yourself an additional point if you marked that item “No.” We create “struggle” when we “have a strong attachment to being right”, when we constantly battle ourselves or others, or when insist on having our way no matter what. Sometimes what is needed is to surrender. Instead of fighting what comes to you, see what happens when you accept your difficulties as lessons or teachers rather than battles to be won. This shift is a difficult one for most of us. Working with a coach can help.
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