Avoid These Two Mistakes Many Agents Make

by | May 22, 2023 | Business tips, Marketing, Website | 0 comments


Here are two very common mistakes agents make on their websites.

#1: Have you ever visited an agent website with great community information, but with no reference to the city or the state? For example, if the agent references the “Sunny Hills” subdivision in Paris, are they referencing the “Paris” in California, Illinois, Missouri, Kentucky, Tennessee, or Texas?

To avoid having this happen to you, when you describe the market areas you serve on your site, be sure to also reference the city, state, and zip code(s) where they are located. Failure to provide this information means that search engines will be unable to match your website with potential clients who are searching for homes in your area. If Google can’t find you, potential clients probably won’t be able to find you either.

#2:  Most agent websites have their phone number posted on their home page, but very few have their phone number on every page of their site. The reason for making sure that your phone number is on every page on your website is simple. After a website visitor views a listing including a virtual tour and multiple pictures, it can take a substantial amount of time to scroll back to the agent’s home page to find the agent’s phone number.

Consequently, make sure that you always include city, state, and zip code for every one of your listings that you post online. Also remember to post your phone number on every page on your website. If you don’t, that great website lead will end up with someone else.



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